The only truly automated recruiting platform

Automated candidate sourcing without limits

SquarePeg uses your job requirements to continuously source best-fit candidates and doesn't limit the number of candidates you can reach.

Rated 4.9/5

Source candidates without exposing company information

Enable stealth mode for individual jobs and match against a database of 600+ million candidates without exposing company-identifiable information.

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Write the perfect job description

Leverage AI trained on conversion data and industry best practices to write the perfect job description. Describe your job using natural language and SquarePeg does the rest.

LinkedIn promotion at no extra cost

Unlike other platforms, LinkedIn sponsorship is included at no extra cost. All jobs include the option to post to your company's LinkedIn page or SquarePeg’s.

Be more strategic with talent reach insight

Set realistic expectations by understanding the impact your job requirements have on the availability of passive and active talent before sourcing starts.

Join ambitious businesses

Streamline your recruiting today with SquarePeg's AI-assisted sourcing and screening and native applicant tracking tools.

Start for Free
14 Day Free Trial
5 Min Setup
No Credit Card Needed

As the only recruiter on my team, SquarePeg has been a huge help. I know that I am focused on reviewing the most-qualified candidates.

Justin McDonald
Head of People @ Boxbot

SquarePeg doesn’t limit your reach

Most sourcing platforms track the number of candidates targeted and charge extra to uncover personal emails. SquarePeg only uses personal email addresses to reach out to candidates and doesn’t set limits on the number of candidates you can reach.

Put sourcing and follow-up on autopilot

SquarePeg's AI uses your job description and information about each candidate to craft custom email sequences. If a candidate replies or applies, outreach stops automatically. SquarePeg handles replies and suggests improvements to targeting criteria and your job description if necessary.

Use insights to improve future performance

Understand engagement metrics for passive sourcing compared to benchmarks and receive suggestions for improving your job description and targeting criteria.

Get started today

Start your free, 14-day trial

Publish a job for free and experience for yourself how SquarePeg simplifies the process of recruitment and increases hiring efficiency.

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